Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Who knows what day...

I did have every intent to make sure and update all the days I've been slacking. To be rather honest. I have so much going on right now in life that I'm think let's just keep blogging, but not worry about the date and fulfilling my 365 days.

So let me share my life before tragedy hit me on Sunday!

My little Annie, Oh she is like my little sister! I am extremely protective of her. She called, she wasn't liking school she was having a break down. Last weekend was her sorority Family day. (She's an Alpha Delta Pi)

Annie and I at her High School Graduation!

Aww How can you not love her!
We picked her up and she came down to the lake! Where we had some shopping fun!!!

Interesting Right?
This lovely creature, was in the corner of the Mexican Restaurant my Aunt and I ate at. Hmmm Welcome to Branson, MO folks!

Old Married Hag?!
Of course my Aunt and Annie made fun of me A LOT, because the whole time I was out of town. I seemed to just buy Kyle underwear. Hahaha! ( I did end up buying him a watch for our 3 year anniversary)

Of course Annie and I hunted down an Orange Leaf. Which I will go ahead and throw this out there.... It's not my favorite. I would still pick peachwave over it.

Apples? It's a fruit damnit!
So while eating our frozen yogurt, we see Rocky Mountain Chocolate Factory! So we got caramel apples!

Yay! I got the ring I've had my eye on at Pandora for our 3 month Anniversary! And a new charm!

Kyle and I were grocery shopping, and I found this. I couldn't' walk away without taking a picture.

Someone at work loves me!
So after hearing the news our friend passed away on Sunday. I wasn't looking forward to heading to work! I walked in and found a lovely box of muffins! I still have no clue who gave them to me. But they put some what of a smile on my face Monday morning!

Desk Buddies!
My newest purchase last weekend at Yankee Candle! Now my office smells lovely like pumpkin spice!


Christy said...

Bacon popcorn??? SICK DUDE!

Yay for the super sweet coworker who gifted you with pumpkin muffins


Mandie said...

that popcorn sounds good to me lol I would have bought it lol